Caring for consumers

We want to ensure that consumer and environmental safety of styrene-based products are subject to robust legislation to provide safety for both consumers and the environment, which is paramount to our industry. Styrene-based products in their food contact applications are among the most studied materials, with results consistently proving their strong safety record. Styrene itself is naturally occurring in some fruits and nuts and in these small quantities, it poses no adverse effects. The European Food Safety Authority’s latest evaluation of styrene in food contact applications confirmed that styrene levels from food packaging are equal to styrene levels found naturally in food. Polystyrene-based materials contain similarly low levels of styrene, and have been safely used for more than 60 years.

Caring for workers 

Safeguarding workers who are handling styrene is one of the industry’s top priorities. Styrene is a substance that has been extensively studied and found safe for use in consumer goods, and for workers producing Styrene-based products. The high occupational standards in place ensure workers safety across the industry. 

Moving the circular economy forward 

Realising a circular economy where materials are reused, recycled, or turned into energy is a goal the industry shares with policymakers. Already significant progress has been made moving away from the take, make, and throwaway model in favour of a circular approach with the best resource efficiency. The industry continues to develop technologies to further increase the circularity of its products and to enhance the important benefits that styrene-based products provide to people’s everyday lives